Jaggery Syrup
Jaggery Syrup Marketed by Bhagyoday Agricultural Products Marketing Company; for human
consumption in India is made from sugarcane.
The Health Benefits of Jaggery Syrup
Relief from Menstruation- related problems , obesity, Diabetes, Stress, Cancer, Enlarged
prostate, acne and other skin ailments, constipation, headaches and anemia.
Helps to improve bone health, Electrolyte balance Hair Care Sexual health,functioning of
nervous systems and wound healing .
Helps to strengthen the immune system, maintain healthy levels of haemoglobin and aid in
the formation of new cells in the body.
The Syrup “ Purifies the blood, prevents rheumatic affictions and disorders of bile and
has nutritive properties of high order (Sushruta Samintha , Chapter 45 ,Sloka 146)
Nutritional deficiency anemia is rampant in India .
(When Haemoglobin levels falls to less than 11.5 g/dl in women and less than 13.5 g/dl in
men .Most common cause of anaemia is severe deficiency of iron which may lead to the
symptoms like easy fatigability, breathing difficulty , oedema and eventually heart
failure and death . It can also lead to the 5-20 point deficiency in intelligent
quotient (IQ) leading to the widespread school drop-outs.
Health Benefits of Jaggery Syrup
Details about jaggery syrup benefits
Research studies have shown that syrup contains the
highest amount of antioxidants as compared to refined sugar, corn
syrup, raw cane sugar and other readily available sweeteners. These
antioxidants protect the body against the oxidative damage
associated with cancer cardiovascular disorders and degenerative
diseases. This makes syrup a much better alternative to other
Syrup is a good source of iron and is very effective
for Menstruating women who are at major risk of iron deficiency due
to blood loss. With no fat and very few calories. Syrup is better
alternative for contributing iron content in the body as compared to
other fatty sources like red meat. Iron Prevents various disorders
like menorrhagia which causes excessive blood flow for a longer
duration during menstruation. The minerals such as magnesium and
calcium thar are present in Syrup help to prevent the clotting of
blood, relieve menstrual cramps and help in maintaining the health
of uterine muscles. Syrup is healthy alternative as compared to
other medications for menstrual discomfort which might have certain
side effects.
The polyphenols present in Syrup have antioxidant
effects which may prove effective in reducing obesity and manage
weight gain. In the investigation conducted to assess the impact of
syrup on a high- fat- diet. It was evident that Syrup extract helps
in lowering the body weight and fat content by reducing the
absorption of calories in the body.
Syrup is rich in the trace mineral manganese, which
helps in healthy production of sex harmones. It also plays a vital
role in the functioning of the nervous system, the prevention of
blood clots and the production of energy from proteins and
carbohydrates. A deficiency of manganese can lead to infertility,
general fatigue and weak bones.
Syrup has been proven to be valuable in treating
Constipation. Research studies have shown that routine milk and
Syrup enemas are as effective as sodium phosphate enemas given in
the paediatric emergency department to cure Constipation. It is also
noteworthy that curing Constipation with sodium phosphate requires
an additional rectal treatment. However, it is not required in the
treatment done with milk and syrup enemas when consumed orally.
Syrup is good for source of Calcium which plays
important role in maintaining bones health, the functioning of
enzymes systems, the removal of toxins from the colon and cell
membrane function. It is also required to maintain healthy teeth and
protects the body against bone diseases common during menopause. In
addition to healthier bones, the ability of muscular contraction is
also attributed to the presence of calcium in the body.